last saturday, we went with chris & colin to the stranahan's whiskey tour! so fun and super interesting!

everything in their whiskey is from colorado! yay for being local + organic!

my lovely tour mates!

hilarious guide taylor telling us about those amazing copper urns!! so pretty!

stranahan's is producing whiskey like they did in the 1800's so they take their time to make it special. they only produce 32 barrels a week. to give you a comparison - jack daniels produces 350 barrels a day and it only takes them 3 hours to make their whiskey. yuck!

the only piece of equipment that isn't done by a person. stranahan's also has bottling days where volunteers can come help bottle the whiskey and write straight on the label! we totally wanted to do this, but there's a waiting list about a year long. boo!

cool old truck

and a small view of the mountains!