Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a waffle bar brunch

this past saturday, aric & i had our friends anthony & kaylin over to celebrate their new engagement! one of my besties, ashley armstrong, also flew in for the weekend to go to the thunder games here in denver! we had an absolute blast this weekend!


i didn't have much time to create a full on themed brunch, so i decided to just put down some kraft paper for the table cloth so everyone could doodle during breakfast! aric spray painted one of our mason jars gray and we stuck some markers in it. voila - easy & cheap party accessory!

i forgot to take a picture of our final doodles!


we had tons of toppings for this!
for sweet we had jam, butter, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, almonds, homemade whipped cream, almonds, powdered sugar & cinnamon.
for savory we had cream cheese, crumbled bacon & green onions!

i tried a homemade waffle recipe for the first time - it was delicious!

ashy helping me!

such a cute newly engaged couple!

kaylin + anthony

time to eat - mimosas are poured!

anthony's waffle

kaylin's waffle

ashley's waffle

aric's half sweet / half savory waffle

since i was taking the pictures, i forgot to take one of mine. so here's my plate after i ate it!

and here is my second helping: savory is my favorite!

aric made us some fantastic irish coffee! yummo


it was such a lovely day outside we had to have a photoshoot with the doggies! anthony & kaylin brought over their pomeranian, harpo!

a & k with kaia

my love!

kay & kaia

ash & harpo

aric loves making fin sit like a human!

love this

and i love kaylin's sparkly pink tom's

this photo makes me laugh :)

kappa love

who knew a leaf from our flowers would be so entertaining?


1 comment:

  1. Great post today! Those waffles I must have NOW! I love the paper and markers idea for the tables too - and all your cute dinnerware.

    Miss you,
